Most financial advisors state that there are three essentials to personal finance. One is to save for retirement, another is to eliminate debt and the third is to retain enough savings to last anywhere from 6 months to a year. Saving for a rainy day is far more important given the recent global recession. Because of this, most agree that saving money is at the top of their priorities. Unfortunately, a number of individuals find it very difficult to save anything at all. However, there are some very simple, effective and proactive ways to saving money. Given the importance of saving, how can someone get started? More importantly, what are these simple and proactive approaches to saving money?

Pursuing Tax-Free, Regular Savings Plans

One of the easiest ways to start a regular savings plan is by not actively going through the motions of saving money. Granted, this might seem like a rather odd statement, but the fact is, when you adopt a tax-free, regular savings plan, it should only have to be done once. How is this possible? Paying yourself first involves having a specific amount automatically deducted each time from your pay and deposited into your tax-free saving plan. The amount itself isn’t as important as getting the process started. If need be, start with as little as £10 and work your way up as you feel comfortable. With this approach, one doesn’t have to actively save money by putting it away in a savings account. Instead, the process is automatic. Tax free savings plans allow investors to combine their tax-free ISA allowance contributions with a tax-free savings vehicle that maximizes returns, and most importantly, keeps your money working for you and not the taxman! Again, start small if need be and increase your amount of savings over time.

Control Impulse Purchases

One can only benefit from a tax-free savings plan if they’ve first understood the importance of controlling their impulse purchases. Most of us are unable to save money because we’ve become accustomed to living well beyond our means. Unfortunately, all those impulse purchase come back to haunt us in the form of exorbitant interest rates on credit cards and credit lines. Buy only what you need. If that doesn’t work, then leave your credit cards at home. The intention is to eliminate your access to credit and stick to buying what you need, when you need it. If that involves taking some rather drastic measures, then so be it.

Regular saving plans work because they emphasize ease-of-use. Enacting an automatic withdrawal plan will allow you to get started with your savings plan. It’s done once and allows individuals to get on the road to saving money. Take this same approach and apply it within your retirement investments as well. Be sure to match your risk tolerance to your investment vehicle of choice, and never pursue an investment you don’t feel entirely comfortable with.

More in:Investing

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