Buying gold is an investment strategy which, in this current bear market, is unlikely to fail to make a real return on your investment and safeguard your personal wealth against ever rising inflation, but perhaps the hottest gold investment strategy available to private and institutional investors is certified gold coins.

Certified gold coins as a gold investment strategy are pretty much the same as gold bullion bars with one exception; the rarity and scarcity value which is placed upon them because they are highly prized collector’s items. It is the collectible value which tends to make them more expensive than bullion bars and harder to come by. A gold investment which comprises bullion bars and bullion coins is a wise investment, simply because the spread is wider and when it comes to selling and retrieving some of your gold investment and turning it into liquid assets it is sometimes easier to sell gold coins on the market because of their rarity and scarcity, and of course this can and does push the price over and above gold bullion bars.

Making a gold investment is something people have committed themselves to over the centuries and certainly there is documented evidence dating back some ten thousand years of gold ornaments and trinkets being gathered together as a safe haven for someone’s wealth and a protection against the then documented political unrest of the time.

The economy is in a precarious state which is reflected in the US dollar’s continuing devaluation and the gold bear market, which is now 12 years long and shows no sign of slowing. For investors in gold bullion products, just like in the distant past it is a safe and tangible asset to hold.

The modern era of gold investment and the free gold exchange began in the late dark days of 1974 when a little political skulduggery legalized the ownership of gold in private investor’s hands for the first time in well over four decades. Although it started with a trickle at first, the floodgates were well and truly opened, and by 1990 the entire gold and silver bullion and certified coin dealing business had become a bit of a feeding frenzy. Many investors got their fingers burned through lack of knowledge of this particular market and there were some really vicious sharks waiting to eat alive the unsuspecting punter and investor.

Fortunately all of that changed with the inception of the Certified Gold Exchange which from day one of trading earned and has kept a continuous A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, serving only to offer investors an honest and level platform for gold investment advice and a place where honest above board deals can be conducted.

More in:Investing

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